How to get Rich on Neopets!

Want to be a neopian millionaire? Well, I guess it’s time to spill how I’ve gotten so rich!
The main thing is to have a really big shop with lots of items, priced reasonably, better a bit more expensive than cheap. You’ll just keep collecting money, and when things sell, re-stock your shop as soon as possible with more items. Get your items free, buy them from other people’s shops for really cheap, then sell them in yours at a higher price, do monthly freebies, get them from other accounts you have, and so on. And whatever money you have, put into your bank account, because there it will collect interest. The more neopoints you have in your bank account, the more interest you’ll get! I also occasionally play games, but if I wanted to be SUPER rich, like with a million neopoints, I would play them all the time. I usually only play the games I’m personally really good at, and that give you lots of points. I don’t waste time on stupid games that give you only 50 neopoints or whatever. I also use game cheats. For example, I always play Hasee Bounce because I’m good at it, and there’s an awesome cheat for it (if you type “more doughnut fruit” your timer re-sets, so it’s like playing it twice in one game, getting double your points!). So that’s how I get all my hundreds of thousands of neopoints from: get lots of items free or cheap, sell them in my shop, keep re-stocking when stuff sells, put all the money from my shop till into my bank account, collect interest every day, and so on. I also have lots and lots of accounts, which I do all the dailies and freebies on, then send them all to my main account. Then I sell everything in my shop! And that’s a VERY good way to earn thousands of neopoints! Plus, I’ve been playing Neopets for around 4 years! So, from now on, you’ll only be getting richer!!!

Good luck to all my fellow neopians, and have a good day!

Step 1 to becoming a neopian millionaire: Make more accounts!

Sign up here for another account!

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182 Responses to How to get Rich on Neopets!

  1. Pachirisu44 says:

    you have to use to type in the cheat “doughnutfruit”, not “more doughnutfruit” on Hasee Bounce!

  2. Pingback: Culinary art professions.

  3. cotton_candy_gal says:

    This is me ————–>>>> ๐Ÿ˜€

    Don’t ask why.

    I WANT NP!!!!! XD

  4. cotton_candy_gal says:

    Me —> ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. cotton_candy_gal says:


  6. cotton_candy_gal says:

    Hi Guys! I have TONS of cheats! A few are the hasee bounce one, ( moredoughnutfruit ), The ice cream factory one, ( strawberryvanillachocolate ), and The faerie bubbles one, ( bubbles ).

    If you want any more cheats, NeoMail me at cotton_candy_gal

    I charge 50 NP or a food item a cheat. ( jelly, omeletes, ect.) Or will trade for another cheat.

  7. ur momma says:

    hullo hasse bounce cheat works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how do i get a quest???????????????????

  8. david says:

    yay, i have 5 million np now, and royal, baby, darigan and faerie paint brushes. I am sorry but i gave my faerie paint brush to hot_hexy7. he just gave me his username and password and it was on his account right away. he painted his elephante, if you dont believe me, neomail him and check… email me at

  9. aksa says:

    hey everyone i have 1 fearie paint brush and 1baby paint brush if you want it then give me your username and password and if you think that i am lying well i am not because i just gave pat a baby paint brush so that means that now i have 1 fearie paint brush. email me at

  10. Billi says:

    OMG i just got over 10,000,000 in one day just by typing numbers if u want i can do this for u but i need your username and password srry i hate taking peoples passwords but i need it and then send me a email to Also make the subject box say Neopets and you will have your money in less than 24 hours

  11. della says:

    anyone who asks for ur username or password to give you neopoints is SCAMMING YOU!!!! if they were really generous they would set up a trade/buy something expensive from your shop or just send you the items…..i’ve been playing neopets for nearly 7 years and I have 6 accounts, if your gonna cheat then make sure all of ur accounts have a different email, clean out your cache each time you log in and out of the accounts and dont send stuff to your main account on a daily basis….let the money build up for a month then buy yourself an expensive item and put it in trade for a cheap one, or put something like omelettes in your shop for 99,999……..cheating is bad people, but if your gonna do it then do it sensibly and dont get caught!!!!!
    My grundo was also zapped by something and turned into a baby, if you do a quest for the rainbow fountain faerie she will sometimes let you visit the rainbow fountain……once you get this you can change ur pets as much as u like….dont waste time and money on paint brushes!!!

  12. blocked says:

    This is a scam. This lperson is getting rich from the neopets refer program. Do not listen to this, you will get frozen.

  13. *~bRIYANNA~* says:


  14. sydne says:

    angel_44_3 is my user name so request 2 b my noefriend you f-ing ppl

  15. Darwin says:

    I want may be a rich man in online

  16. nicole lau says:

    I hope it works ~! but i think it really work ~~~~!!! did yours work

  17. Lulu says:

    Why cant you just play games there is nothing so hard about that and if somebody says that they are going to give you items and they need password its a dirty scam because they can just send it to you.
    Also if you wanna be my friend on neopets my username is usul_story.
    and anyone saying that they need password for neopoints is another dirty scam,because no one can send you points thats stupid and if those “generous” people wanna give neopoints why dont they just ask to put something in there shop expensive and buy it.PLEASE DONT GIVE OR ASK PASSWORDS…ITS JUST A GAME!!!

  18. rachael says:

    hey evry1
    if anyns got any tips on how to get rich once you have 1 mil please tell me neomail im “fascetf”

  19. Cassie says:

    SHE SEND ME 20,000 NP. and shes willing to send me more >.0
    and the best thing is tht no hacking because she doesnt need your password.

  20. georgina says:

    hi there im georgina i have been playing neopets for years and have had enough!! finally. im not that rich but i have about 900 000 neopoints and am happy to give them away do not ask for a specific items though because i dont really have that many but if u email me at then i will send you up to 100 000 neopoints or more i suppose it depends on how many people i have to share with. this is not scam if you want to know my username is star44. i understand if you dont send me usernames but this is not a scam i swear i have even put my pet up for adoption.

  21. Qiong says:

    i like cockmilk

  22. Brianne Shen says:

    Well, I’m not sure if this still works but it’s duplication cheat. Go to your inventory and find the item you want to duplicate. Highlight the picture and text and paste it onto your website or somewhere. And there you have it, 2 of that item! Click on it and the same window will pop up. I’m not sure if this still works, though, but try it! You never really know.

  23. me says:

    and buy the way… do NOT EVER send someone ur password. like that guy above me Billi. They are just low life idiots who are to lazy to get there own np

  24. me says:

    ok so i have a way to get 100,000 in one day!!! i swear to God, im NOT going to ask 4 ur password cuz thats a scam and it isnt some computer tech thing thats hard. Ok so the main thing is to have multiple accounts. For my way you need 10. You can only have a cerain amount of sn per email im not sure how many but lets just say 5. so make 2 new email accounts to put in 5 neopets sn BE SURE TO WRITE IT DOWN ORGANIZED TO YOU WONT GET CONFUSED ok so now you have 10 neopets accounts. this will take a while so dont plan anything. On each account you are going to play the same games.
    1) Let it slide– you pretty much only need to complete the 1st level which is really easy or just get 600 pts. this will give you 1000 neopoints, play it 3x and theres 3000

    2) Kass basher– you have to unlock the bat to get this one. After you did that – you have to wait till the wind is about 8 or 9 then when you swing, hold down the button till the kass it right before hes about to fall, then every time he hits the ground press the button. Like i said get about 850 and thats 1000 np, play 3x and thats 3000

    3)Maths nightmare– i no this ones not as fun bt it pays well. just finish level 2 while your set on RANDOM and EASY PEASY for this one you need to be a little older so your somewat fast at it.

    4) Fasion Fever– for this dont even play the game just press start, end, send score, do it 3x and theres 900np.

    5) Wheel of Slime– really simple, just press spin and you’ll get at least 100 or much more, but i do it so it will turn the 900 in Fasion Fever into 1000 just to round it off

    Ok thats it just 5 games for 10 accounts thats no bad at all for 100,000. And just imagine if you did this for a week… you would have 700,000 np you could buy some reeeeeeeeeaaalllly good paint brushes with that.

    THIS WORKS so please use it, its sooo easy

  25. Billi says:

    i have over 1 million
    i can make u rich in one day just send me ur username and password and the account has to be activated with more than 20000 neopoints in it

  26. Neo says:

    Finally they found a way to duplicate items! no lie! i got 23 baby pb so far! i’m go be so rich can’t even wait! The site is my friends, he told me to spread it, so we can all be rich on neopets, so that’s exactly what i’m doing! it’s easy and fast, just go here: (Where it says (dot), take that whole thing out and just put a . )

  27. khat says:

    i like neopets very much!!!!!
    because it makes me happy!!!!
    thank you neopets!!!
    i love you very much!!!!!

  28. Max says:

    Hello I really need a really good way to get rich FAST. The hasee cheat did work and stuff but if any of you have any other tips my
    neopets name is candie1012. Or email me at thnx

  29. Swimmer2468 says:

    Hey! I know alot of cheats for neopets, like how to make a ton of neopoints and get alot of rare items. The only thing is if I sat here and tried to explain everything it would take 3 hours, and would not make alot of sense to anyone, so if you want points and rare items email me your username and password at This is not a scam because even if I did change your password (which I WILL NEVER DO) the change would be sent to you and you could change it again, and I would never be able to get on again.

  30. Sugarychocolate says:

    Whats your username? I just want to check it out

  31. George says:

    Yes, I am a retired 60 year old who has been playing neopets for about 6 years now. I have around 100 million neopoints and another 100 million worth of paintbrushes. I am quitting neopets and starting tourism so if you can send me your username and password to, i will give you heaps of it.

  32. Daniel says:

    I have been playing neopets for almost 6 years, but I have recently decided to quit. I have almost 11 million neopoints, and I *used* to collect paintbrushes. I will be giving everything away. If you’re interested, email me at with your username and password (and date of birth if needed).

    NOTE: I will ONLY DOUBLE the amount of neopoints you have on your account. So if your account doesn’t have very much on it, or if you just made a new account to give to me, then you will get you nothing. Paintbrushes will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. i also have another question how could you get a faerie paintbrush its to hard to find one and its expensive

  34. Hi there i was wonder where would you type the cheats on i have been wondering that my self by the way your tips are very nice!

  35. Hey everyone! This is some of the Neopets Team Members.. We would like to help you on your way to becoming a better neopian! We giveaway great items and neopoints daily. Email us at so we can help you ASAP! – The Neopets Team

  36. Hey everyone! This is some of the Neopets Team Members.. We would like to help you on your way to becoming a better neopian! We giveaway great items and neopoints daily.. Email us at so we can help you ASAP! – The Neopets Team

  37. Nice Gal says:

    hey! if anyone out there needs help getting neopoints, look on google and type in cheats on how to get neopoints for neopets. they’ll show you all u need to know! it’s awesome

  38. Cool says:

    Any cheats on getting NP?

  39. Cool says:

    I WANT NP!

  40. 1337 says:

    . Betty – December 12, 2006
    WORST ADVICE EVER!!!! You would have been blocked 100 times over for doing freebies on various accounts, let alone playing games!

    lol i have about 10 accounts and have done for over a year lol only stupid people get froze lol use a different email,password,name for each account ๐Ÿ˜‰

  41. me :o says:

    ways to make money fast play more games ๐Ÿ˜ฎ i can make around 50k a day off games :S not hard to make money

  42. sammie says:

    dont ever give your username and password to people! NEVER!! It is a scam and they will get on and steel your stuff. I did it once. NOT GOOD! I lost 12,000 np. Donรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt do it/ If you do, you are a Idiot. Not my falt if you get hackeddd. I warned you.

  43. sammie says:

    dont ever give your username and password to people! NEVER!! It is a scam and they will get on and steel your stuff. I did it once. NOT GOOD! I lost 12,000 np. Don’t do it/ If oyu so you are a Idiot. Not my falt if you get hackeddd. I warned you.

  44. Mariah says:

    Ive been playing for like 3 years. Ive always wanted to get a paintbrush but never seem to get close enough i dont know how tho.
    I get like 5000 everyday from games and by the time i sign off its gone. Ill try making bank accounts. I know a good way to not get caught having lots of accounts. If you want my advice send me a neo messege thing. my user is miahmonkey

  45. vanessa says:

    boohoo my mom:( is making me quit neopets cause im to old ( 18 ) i have 90million neopoints and 3 baby paint brushes if you want some give me your password user name and the thing you want ( money or paint brush ) my email addres is
    this is not a scam if you want to tell neopets my user name is vanessabob_2
    so if want money or a baby paint brush email me your password and username at

  46. That Other Guy says:

    Hey dudes!!! I’m quiting’ Neopets… So if u want my account email me at See? No scam this is much more like a contest… GO NOW!!! The 1st one to send will get my user and pass… Note: I’m not rich. LATER DUDES!!!

  47. claudia says:

    stop scammin you cant have tht many neopoints!

  48. Sarah says:

    ok i have a really good cheat to get you 100000000000 or more neopoints i have about 48785732845782375920758927857238975920 beacause of this cheat!!!!!!!!! but it is really secret so just e-mail me your username and password and type in as many neopoints as you want and have a good time with all of your neopoints my e-mail is

  49. claudia says:

    okay people everybody knows gettin rich on neopets is quite hard but the way i came kinda rich is this: 431282 np thats how much i have in my bank in my hand i have : 6920 np and in my shop till i have 3565 np and i have been playing for 3 months. my aim is to reach 1 million coz my friend is ultimate riches and she doesnt even go on neopets!!!! ๐Ÿ™ got younger brothers, sisters or cuzins? well show them how to play games you could be ending up as a millionare really quick if they get addicting. My brother didnt know bout neopets till i told him he would play games non stop but then he demanded his own account ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ hes dumb in the buying and sellin world he would buy expensive doughnuts and put them for 25 neopoints!! he’ll never learn ! btw makin multiple accounts i find is hard to keep track of and you will get square eyes by the end! but if you want to then USE A DIFFERENT EMAIL EVERY TIME!!! btw my bros username is chicolovesfood and myn is socksloveskiing sorry if i keep speekin garbige im not good at stuff like this :S

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