How to get Rich on Neopets!

Want to be a neopian millionaire? Well, I guess it’s time to spill how I’ve gotten so rich!
The main thing is to have a really big shop with lots of items, priced reasonably, better a bit more expensive than cheap. You’ll just keep collecting money, and when things sell, re-stock your shop as soon as possible with more items. Get your items free, buy them from other people’s shops for really cheap, then sell them in yours at a higher price, do monthly freebies, get them from other accounts you have, and so on. And whatever money you have, put into your bank account, because there it will collect interest. The more neopoints you have in your bank account, the more interest you’ll get! I also occasionally play games, but if I wanted to be SUPER rich, like with a million neopoints, I would play them all the time. I usually only play the games I’m personally really good at, and that give you lots of points. I don’t waste time on stupid games that give you only 50 neopoints or whatever. I also use game cheats. For example, I always play Hasee Bounce because I’m good at it, and there’s an awesome cheat for it (if you type “more doughnut fruit” your timer re-sets, so it’s like playing it twice in one game, getting double your points!). So that’s how I get all my hundreds of thousands of neopoints from: get lots of items free or cheap, sell them in my shop, keep re-stocking when stuff sells, put all the money from my shop till into my bank account, collect interest every day, and so on. I also have lots and lots of accounts, which I do all the dailies and freebies on, then send them all to my main account. Then I sell everything in my shop! And that’s a VERY good way to earn thousands of neopoints! Plus, I’ve been playing Neopets for around 4 years! So, from now on, you’ll only be getting richer!!!

Good luck to all my fellow neopians, and have a good day!

Step 1 to becoming a neopian millionaire: Make more accounts!

Sign up here for another account!

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182 Responses to How to get Rich on Neopets!

  1. anette875 says:

    uhmmm I see there’s loads of ppl asking for ppl’s username + password coz they wanna give us neopoints. I got a better idea….why not just buy something expensive, put it on the trading post and wait for the person you wanna give it to offers some junk! that’s a safe way of “giving away” neopoints and ppl dont have to give out any information, other than username….think bout that, all u incredibly friendly “donators” lol 😛

  2. deean says:

    email me at for nps.

    i hate neopets. i’m giving away nps.

  3. cow says:

    nm me at snickers0789

  4. cow says:

    can you help me vanessa

  5. cow says:

    i need np real bad can enyone help me

  6. vanessa says:

    boohoo my mom:( is making me quit neopets cause im to old ( 18 ) i have 90million neopoints and 3 baby paint brushes if you want some give me your password user name and the thing you want ( money or paint brush ) my email addres is
    this is not a scam if you want to tell neopets my user name is vanessabob_2
    so if want money or a baby paint brush email me your password and username at 🙂

  7. omg i was on neopets, and a quest came up, and it was the faerie queen. She wanted the super nova. I got it, and you know how she gives some of the greatest prizes? She only gave me some hit points!!!! Oh yeah, one time I was at the coltzan’s shrine, and a random event occured, and my orange kougra got zapped into a baby kougra!!!! If you want to neomail me, my username is cass678876678876

  8. jess says:

    Wel as u all know people that are poor are in need of help so i am poor and need ur help and could someone please post wut a freebie is?

  9. I PROMISE says:

    send it to and by the way i hate scammers so if you want to get np get it from me ok;))

  10. greendaygreenday says:

    im bord. my usrname is greendaygreenday if anyone wants to be friends

  11. Dan says:

    Now you can really have it all! I’m here to help my names Dan im 19 and i’ll even give u my account name on neopets its…dannyboyz so if your unhappy with your riches send me a neomail. HAHa you’ll be Very happy trust me, You’ve tried all those other things that turned out to be scams nows your real chance. I just want to help kids have fun while their young i don’t care anymore about so fake neopoints showing up on a screen but i know a lot of users would like some extra cash to play around with. Just send me an email to
    Fill out this form in the message…

    Your account name:
    Your accounts password:
    Amount you want in neopoints:
    Sorry i can’t do items it would take to long seeing as i have tons of requests right now but you can get up to 70,000,000 neopoints.

  12. Claire says:

    DON’T GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD TO ANYONE! They are just trying to scam you trust me. Oh and also don’t make several accounts. My friend made 6 accounts and had 7,000,000 neopoints and then all of her accounts got frozen!

  13. Claire says:

    DON’T GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD TO ANYONE! They are just trying to scam you trust me. Oh and also don’t make several accounts. My friend made 6 accounts and has 7,000,000 neopoints and then all of her accounts got frozen!

  14. dana says:

    i have a site in my shop that has all the dailies and much more go to dana24991 and go to my shop then click on the free neopoints button it has the monthlies too so please check it out and add me as a friend 😀

  15. Beckzor says:

    Hey, If anyone knows any cheats on how to get a quest from the Rainbow Fountain Faerie, Can you NeoMail me? My account name is beckah__xx thanks!

  16. ScamBusters says:

    Don’t believe all the hype. ANYONE asking for your account name nad passoword is only trying to scam the hell outta you. Don ‘t believe the “testimonials” from other people, since it’s easy to just post under another identity.


  17. lillgee(= says:

    I GOT HUCKUPS! my sister’s husband works for neopets and got mee rich! but it’s annyoing, so i’m giving away free neopoints.

    email me at with your password and username!

  18. Rain says:

    that isn’t exactly rocket science … it is just common sense ***

  19. Rain says:

    that misn’t exactly rocket science … it is just common sense

  20. Jason Ostrove says:

    If you want to make a quick 50,000, then today is your lucky day. I have about 250mill neopoints and im giving 50,000 neopoints to only 5 lcuky people. The first 5 people to send me there neopet acount user name and password with the PIN will be the only 5 to get 50,000 neopoints. So just email me at with your neopets user name and password with the PIN number and you will be rewarded when I add the 50k to your account.

  21. Beatrice says:

    Sorry!!! wanna find me click this name!!!(above)

  22. Beatrice says:

    Neopets rocks!!!Rayna Schwartz I also agree with you(even though I never get a paintbrush) My bigger bro made 3 accounts!!!1=zeat_2000
    My bro’s relly lame. To get to jelly world(tip if you don’t know)type in Also you guys can come to my shop and buy my things!!! My username(currently) is Beatrice3!!! Enjoy my chep prices for sale!!!(Lame items might be sold in 1np )

  23. me says:

    I agree with those saying your advice is horrible. You should read the rules before giving out any more advice. You ‘re going to get yourself and even worse others frozen. I learned the hard way years ago that the BEST way to become a rich neopian is to begin with knowing and following the rules. My current account is WAY better than any account I had in the past when I cheated. I’ve got several galleries worth millions of np and I couldn’t be prouder!!!!

  24. Bill Compton says:

    Hi Jim. Photos i received. Thanks

  25. anomonous says:

    ya that give away girl..that i bet is a scam WHO GROUNDS THERE KID THAT THEY CAN”T PLAY ON THE COMP FOR THERE LIFE!!!the dad will be dead by…she could just put the things on trade for free and people will take it in a snap DO NOT i reapeat DO NOT GIVE HER YOUR PASSWORD!!!DO NOT!!!!!!

  26. anomonous says:

    Well,i see someone STOLE!my name but i am really poor on neopets i only have 12k and i need more nobody is making trades with my trades and my shop…i have but i don’t know how to use it will someone plz donate to me my neopet user name is sierra_2000
    and so u know i will not be going on this site that i am massiging to so just…ya plz make trades with lots of money or rare idoms or paint brushes thank u and by the way i’ve been playing for about 30moths

  27. anonymous says:

    i think that is a scam so is any1 asking 4 ur password

  28. zanaleaf says:

    I need money real badly what is the easist to gett money

  29. WickedWitchy says:

    I suggest you remove this “tutorial” from your site because it’s misleading!
    You are only allowed 5 accounts on Neopets and you can only do freebies and earn neopoints on ONE account, your MAIN account.
    If you do it somewhere else they WILL catch you and all of your “work” will be gone. Stick to one account and do everything there that way you won’t loose it once they catch you.

    Seriously, what kind of advice is this????

  30. Leine says:

    Okay people, if you play enough games that your good at or just any random ones (although there is atleast one game that everyone is good at) that earn you odds and ends- it builds up! Trust me on this one, I earn a minimum of 10,000 a day when I go on here, (but I only come one every once in a while). So try it, I guarantee you will succeed. Most important: go to all the freebies (most cheat sites have a list of them). If you need any more help or would like a list of freebies, sites, tips or anything- just neomail me at nytro_sh33p or email me at

  31. Arasay says:

    The cheat in hassee bounce didn’t work. I am VERY poor on neopets and need a suggestion to get rich!

  32. Moo says:

    If Vu Mai is still having trouble, search up cheats on google to do all your freebies, It worked for me

  33. Moo says:

    OMG Ppl like seriously, I created like 15 accounts. They never catch you, its not risky at all. I do my freebies like 10 times a day and have never been caught. By the way ppl, I need help making an awsome background for my pets page/ user lookup. Like how do you do that? Oh well, Neomail me at Fidelity_Dog. Dont worry, I accept all neofriend invites and im so called 18 and over LOL

  34. Vu mai says:

    where can I get to the monthly freebie. Please help me as soon as posible~!!!!!!!!

  35. mudbug5650 says:

    i need to get rich…FASTt!!!!!PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!whats a url?

  36. tay1120 says:

    how do you get a quest from her.

  37. hi what is your neopets user name?

  38. how do i get good pets plzzz tell me and how to get rich and stuff rare if u av any tips plzzz neomail me at liverpool_smell

  39. Jamie says:

    Yeah! Everyone don’t create multiple accounts cos it’s VERY VERY risky. They’ll find out you have more than 1 account and they’ll FREEZE them all!!! Not worth the risk is it? After all, it’s just a game. Let’s play it farily.

  40. Betty says:

    WORST ADVICE EVER!!!! You would have been blocked 100 times over for doing freebies on various accounts, let alone playing games!

  41. Sierra says:

    this does work!!i had 133k and i did what u said now i have 300k!

  42. KSH says:

    i need to get a faerie paint brush but i only have 90,000 np. I cant wait several years to get 2,200,000 np for the paint brush. Does anyone have a cheat to get a quest from the rainbow fountain??? or a strategy to make millions? and FAST?

    username: azn_math_genius14

  43. peter says:

    I only have 50000 but I have found that they give out money for telling friends about neopets. ‘link to us’ section.

  44. caileigh says:

    i only have 260,000 in my account and ive been playing for 2 months and im trying to save up for a baby paint brush… if any1 has info to help me get more mony please neomail me!

  45. Snuffles says:

    Hullo! I love neopets

  46. kylie says:

    i really want a quest from her i have been playing for 17 months and nothing not even a quest but i still am playing games and stuff like that for neopoints Neomail me at kylie8982737

  47. Xin Yi says:

    First,I only had 50NP,then I played games and earned a lot of points!I saw this wheel that you can turn each 2 hours.I discovered that you have to pay 150NP to spin it! So,I didn’t spin it anymore because if you paid 150NP for just 20NP,does it worth?

  48. Rayna Schwartz says:

    I know why you cant get into the rainbow fountain!! what you need to do is: Wait until she gives you a quest!!! when she gives you a quest she either heals your pets or lets you get into the rainbow fountain!!! She gave me a quest yesterday and i completed it. then she said: yay! congradulations (or something like that). then after that she said: i have a surprise for you at the rainbow fountain. so i went there and she let me paint one of my pets any kind of paint for free! and to make it even better i can paint my pets there any time now!!!
    If you have any further questions neomail me at: oranqua123 or mingy8888 if the other one does not reply…

  49. rani says:

    yeah its great! it worked! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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